In order to register as a student in the World Fit Walk, your school must first be registered. Once your school is registered, you will be automatically registered for the Walk. Grades 3 through 12 are allowed to participate.
Once you are registered, you will be assigned a familiar username and password. Please make a note of your username and password. You will use your login credentials during the six-week Walk and can continue use them to log in your miles for the remainder of the year
If you are home schooled, you can still register for World Fit as a Buddy. You can log in walking miles by either walking with a pedometer, walking on a course of known length or by counting walking as a sport. Sport credit miles are entered the same way as the other students and are derived by the time of participation and the category of sport. If you are a home-schooled student and you complete a minimum of 60 miles logged in 40 days, email us and we will send you a World Fit certificate signed by an Olympian. If you reach 120 miles logged in 40 days, we will mail you the World Fit certificate and the President’s Active Lifestyle Award certificate.