Ariel Conde

Ariel Conde - South Gate Middle School

Ariel Conde is a highly motivated 12 year old 7th grade boy. He has 4 sisters and 2 brothers, and has lived in South Gate California his entire life. Ariel enjoys playing soccer and running at least 10 miles everyday.

His top 3 accomplishments have been, running a mile under 6 minutes, running a 10k in under an 1 hour, and being invited to the South Gate Middle School Invitational Mile yearly competition.

Ariel enjoys walking/running for World Fit because it is a unique experience where he participate with his friends in an environment where everyone is trying to become healthy.

Motivating students is something he looks forward to doing during the World Fit Walk. He sometimes challenges other students to see who can walk/run more miles during World Fit on campus.

Ariel’s family is very supportive in all of his endeavors, as they attend every event proudfully cheering him on. His mother runs with him as inspiration and support for his effort of a healthy lifestyle. Participating in Students Run LA (SRLA) allows him to increase his endurance intended to stay fit and confident while inspiring others without further intended recognition, just heart.

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